:::Gallery 1::: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Mike Charger, the young Flash --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Samurai who dreamt of winning --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Sabermania has finally done it. He --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- has defeated all of the best Flash --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Samurais in Sabermania and --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- claimed the title of World --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Sabermania Champion. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- At the same time, Charger uprooted --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Lord Darkland's plans to conquer --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the world. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Try using the flashsaber for a longer --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- game or the Lightsaber for a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- shorter and deadlier game. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Beat the game using different --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- characters to view different ending --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- gallaries. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Press "N".